New trip to Congo DRC in August 2025
Trip to Congo – Zaire in which we will discover some of the highlights that the country offers and that very few have had the privilege to explore. In this cultural expedition to Congo we will attend different Mukanda rituals, delve into the Pende culture visiting different traditional ceremonies, visit families of artisans who have been carving the most beautiful noble masks for generations, explore the culture of the Suku tribe, vibrate in Kinshasa with the artists and the Sapeurs and travel to Central Congo to meet the Tata Gonda. Route always exclusive to Kumakonda.

Ceremonies Mukandas of Congo
After 4 years of doing this route, on our last trip in July 2024 we have made some fascinating cultural discoveries, which have led us to modify our itinerary significantly. While most of the Pende territory has succumbed to Christian religious colonization, we have located a region where rituals, initiations and tradition are still alive and well!

In this redesigned trip to Congo, we will get to know part of the best that remains of the ancestral world of Congo rituals, being privileged guests of several Mukanda initiations, where we will have access to the initiation camps. In our last expedition we witnessed how about twenty consecutive villages perform different Mukandas every dry season, we are talking about perhaps 30 initiation camps. A real cultural madness.

What are Mukanda rituals?
By way of summary, the Mukanda is the traditional African school. It is the rite of passage that usually turns a child into an adult.
The Mukanda is an annual rite of passage for children from six to twelve years of age (or older). This rite is celebrated among others by the Pende, Mbounda, Suku, Chokwe, Salampassu, etc. communities. Some of these ethnic groups in Congo, Zambia and Angola, call this ritual differently or may vary in duration.
Generally, at the beginning of the dry season, when they finish school, the children leave their homes to spend a period of three months for the Pende and one for the Suku, in an isolated camp in the jungle or savannah. The mukanda includes circumcision of the initiates, giving tests of courage, and lessons on their future role as men and husbands.

Tradition Pende in the DRC
The Pende people, although largely evangelized, still preserve a good part of their ancestral culture. A culture clearly differentiated depending on the regions visited, but always fascinating. We will stop in several Pende villages, in three different regions, to witness various traditional celebrations in which the Nganga (masters) and Kwila (teachers) will dance to the rhythm of drums and sacred balafons along with a good number of Minjanji, solar and Mbouya masks.

Ceremonies with noble masks Pende
In one of the regions, the most beautiful Pende noble masks are preserved. We will be able to attend a ceremony where we will be able to contemplate some impressive masks. Most of them, the work of a living legend of the Pende culture: Gisaluna Gakuso, master craftsman with 50 years of work behind him. We will visit his workshop and from his hand we will enter the initiatory world of ritual masks.

Culture of the Suku tribe
To approach the Suku culture is to approach the ancestral world and at the same time the lights and shadows of today’s DR Congo. In this 2024 we have made a first approach to this culture and we propose to continue exploring the traditional heart of this ethnic group. We will travel to a safe area but epicenter of many of the magical rituals that are taking place in the region. Have you heard about the Mobondo war fetish? …we will travel to the Congolese darkness to know what is happening not far away…

Kinshasa, la capital del arte urbano africano
También vamos a explorar las corrientes actuales y urbanas que existen en la mega urbe Kinshasa. La capital congoleña vive una explosión artística y cultural sin parangón en el continente africano. Vamos a tener acceso en el viaje a diferentes movimientos artísticos y de denuncia social con unos grandes amigos nuestros, además de tener un interesante encuentro con los fascinantes sapeurs.

Nuevas religiones, Tata Gonda
En las profundidades de la provincia de Congo Central, viven en total autarquía los fieles, del ya muerto, profeta Tata Gonda. Hoy en día, aun varios cientos de seguidores voluntarios de Congo y Angola continúan el camino espiritual marcado por su “guru”.Su propósito combatir un mundo injusto y lleno de pecados a través de una oración continua y una vida austera y monacal.