The way, in which we run our overland trips in West and Central Africa, is not suitable for everybody.

We are open to people who enjoy adventure, of any nationality but a good state of health and a good attitude will be necessary.

Who travels with us, will have to do without some comforts, camping for days, staying in local and very basic hotels, make journeys in bad roads condition, stand heat and dust, or be without one day of shower…

If you’re tolerant, open minded, you respect the environment, such as natural and social, you treat other people with respect, you do not lose patience, if you don’t waste water, energy or resources, take care of the material you are travelling with, if you don’t need to bring your home in a suitcase, if you can live without the mobile phone and internet connection for a few days, if you forget your stress at the airport, not complaining about the lack of electricity or water, if you don’t have thousands of supermarket products, if you can appreciate that a basic dish in a magical place is worth more than the food at a five-star hotel, if you share our way of understanding a journey of adventure, you will, certainly, live an extraordinary experience and return home with plenty of memorable souvenirs of your trip in Africa.