Created in 2006, the Lomaoko-Yokokala Reserve is a protected area with an area of 3,625 km² (slightly larger than Luxembourg)...
On the 2023 Jungle Kongo Expedition trip, Austerio Alonso and the other travellers had the good fortune to witness a...
We travel to the southwest of the Democratic Republic of Congo in search of the Pende tribe. This is one...
We like to include a strong cultural component in our trips. For example, the Kuba kingdom of the Congo, an...
Makoko is like an island in the chaos of the big city. It is a floating neighbourhood and we are...
To be recognised as the father of a musical style is no small matter. In Lagos, the economic centre of...
In the Africa Overland expedition we did in Kumakonda between March and April 2023, we knew that Nigeria was not...
In Kumakonda’s trips we have accumulated many encounters with the Wodaabe of Chad, and we even travel to their Gerewol...
Among the enormous variety of worldviews that exist in West Africa today, we can find brotherhoods or confraternities. These are...
The human presence in Lake Chad dates back thousands of years, and the archaeological remains that have been found bear...
Lake Chad is a mythical place in Central Africa. It is one of the great symbols of the continent, like...